Monday, April 30, 2012

26 Things - Letter Z!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

Z. Zippy, Zany, Zealot Zebras Zeroing in on a Zenith Ziggurat where Zillions of Zesty Zucchinis Zigzag and Zap in the Zookeeper's Zone.

I'd like to thank all of you who stopped to browse my site and see what I might have in my hypothetical library. I do work at a public library, but, I don't think my staff has ever been asked for any of the above 26 references, thank goodness.

I'm a relatively new blogger, rather random in posting and depend a lot on my very wonderful daughter, Heather, for technical services and reminders that I have an audience who is expecting content. Getting in the habit of posting or scheduling a post for every day has been great discipline and I'm hoping I don't lose the habit. Normally (see Archives) my papercrafting and wordsmithing are more evenly matched so please come back to see what I have created in either subject.

The lettering that accompanied my alliterations is original. I have been taking online artistic lettering classes from Joanne Sharpe and I loved sharing some of my practicing with you.  

I definitely enjoyed visiting your sites and will continue to stop in on my new friends. Until next year, see you in blogland.

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

26 Things - Letter Y!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.


Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come Back on Monday for the Last Letter Z!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Friday, April 27, 2012

26 Things - Letter X!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

X. An X-ray of a Xylographic Xylophone.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter Y!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

26 Things - Letter W!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

W. A Wonderfully Weathered Woodstove Warming a Wobbly Wavy Waterbed for Wayward, Weary Walruses Watching Woodchucks on their Website.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter X!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

26 Things - Letter V!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

V. A Veritable Vintage Valiseful of Volumes on Virtuous Virgins Vexed at Voluptuous Vampire Voles for Viewing with a Vengeance Vulgar Vermont Volkswagens.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter W!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

26 Things - Letter U!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

U. United, Untried, Unyielding, Untouchable Undergraduates Uninformed about an Underutilized Unpredictable Underwriter Using a Universal Umber Umbrella as a Ukulele.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter V!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Monday, April 23, 2012

26 Things - Letter T!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

T. A Tenacious Teacher's Timetable for Tempting Talented Teenagers to Timidly Tap-dance in Tandem with Timpani and Tubas.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter U!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

26 Things - Letter S!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

S. A Stealthy Study on a Search for a Scratched Serpentine Sculpture Surrendered to Sherlock by Serbian Sheep Shearers.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter T!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Friday, April 20, 2012

26 Things - Letter R!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

R. A Radiant Reservoir of Research on Restricted Radioactive Radon Reactors Run by Rabid Raccoons.

 We interrupt our normally scheduled broadcast because I just had to show off our Sargent Crab Apple Tree. It is most Spectacular this year. But wait, that makes a nice segue to letter S for tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter S!
Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

26 Things - Letter Q!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

Q. A Quizzical Quandary of Quaking Quail Qualifying for Quarterly Quidditch Quests.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter R!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

26 Things - Letter P!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

P. A Paradox of Paginated Papers Procuring Pans of Pandowdy for Preferential, Painted, Patterned Paramecia.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter Q!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

26 Things - Letter O!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

O. Original, Ostentatious, Oriental, Ornamental Origami Organized by Obscure, Obtuse Occurrences.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter P!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Monday, April 16, 2012

26 Things - Letter N!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!
26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

N. Notes on Notable Negotiations Narrowly Nominating Nasty Nasturtiums to Nourish Narwhals, Nandines and Nandus* at Noon.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter O!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

*Arctic whales, Wild cats and Rhea like birds.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

26 Things - Letter M!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

M. A Modicum of Mismatched Manuscripts of Miniscule Medieval Mediterranean Maps of Malta.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter N!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Friday, April 13, 2012

26 Things - Letter L!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

L. A Laughably Luxurious Labyrinth of Lava Lamps Lurking on Lecterns in the Library Lobby.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter M!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

26 Things - Letter K!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day. 

K. A Keepsake Kentucky Kerchieful of Keen Kitchen Kelping Knives.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter L!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

26 Things - Letter J!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

J. A Justifiable Jumble of Jaunty Juvenile Judicial Jokes.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter K!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

26 Things - Letter I!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

I. An Infatuating Infestation of Idly Immature Irish Idioms.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter J!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Monday, April 9, 2012

26 Things - Letter H!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

H. A Highly Hidden Historic Handout Highlighting Handsome Hellenistic Handbags.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter I!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

26 Things - Letter G!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

G. A Glorious Gaggle of Gargantuan Grecian Gnomes Gardening in Greenhouses.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter H!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Friday, April 6, 2012

26 Things - Letter F!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

F. Familiar Four Footed Ferrets Following Famous Furred Friends on Facebook.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter G!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

26 Things - Letter E!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

E. An Exaggerated Epigram on Enormously Epicurean Empty Elephants.

Thanks for stopping by and all your great comments. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter F!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

26 Things- Letter D!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

D.  A Detailed Description of Dante Descending into Donkeykong's Dungeon.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter E!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

26 Things- Letter C!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

C. A Cache of Cacophonous Christmas Chorale Carols.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter D!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Monday, April 2, 2012

26 Things - Letter B!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!
26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

B. A Bountiful Basketful of Baffling Baltic Beauty Books.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter C!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

26 Things - Letter A!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

26 things you might find in my library on any given day.

A. An Absolute Abundance of Astute, Accomplished Author's Autobiographies.

Thanks for stopping by. Make sure to come tomorrow for the Letter B!

Click here to see other participants in the challenge!