Thursday, April 25, 2013

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge- Letter V


 to my second year in the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.

Since I plan to retire shortly, I thought an alphabetical look back at my paying library career and a look ahead to my crafting and writing career would be a good use of my 26 days in this challenge, 26 wonderful words for retiring me. Hope you enjoy. I am looking forward to reading whatever you share this month on your blogs, too.

Vagary- (an unpredictable, capricious, or erratic action, occurrence, course or action.) 
This a good description of recent Board meetings. Few people stay on topic, Roberts' Rules fly out the window. Members shout at and use unprofessional language to each other. Few members check with administration or staff before meetings so when important items like annual reports and yearly budgets are presented, misinformed discussions lead to the items being put off to committees, etc., etc, ad nauseum. Oh, well!

Looking ahead: 
Violets, Daffodils and Forsythia- (spring blooms in shades of purple, cream and yellow.) 
Colored with Copic pens

Violet's Pleasure

Violet grows right near the stair
Green leaves wreath her head like hair.
She bobs and sways as Nature sings,
And spreads her seeds for future Springs.
Ddaffs right outside my craft room windows, Trouble cat saying hello.
We planted these as little slips of plants 16 or so years ago.